Our Story

OUr Story



It all started when I (Deanie) got married at twenty-eight. At the time, I didn’t know how to bake a potato or even scramble eggs. My precious husband, Rich, was an amazing cook, and with great patience, he taught me everything he knew. Much to my surprise, food became a big part of my life. Most days were spent in the kitchen, preparing three meals for anyone and everyone who took a seat at our kitchen table. My recipe books became well loved, and to this day are my favorite things to read.

I was widowed at a young age, and when my daughter, Katie, went off to college I decided to pick up the pace. I had a little too much couch time, so decided to open a cafe and retail store! After three years it was time to yet again make some changes, and I made the jump to take the business out on my own. That's when the baking (and the real fun!) began. I started baking desserts, first for my hairdresser, then for restaurants, friends, family… the list goes on. This is where Katie comes in to the picture!




I always joke that Mom never gave me an option as to whether or not I would be a cook. I am pretty sure no other junior in high school was getting a set of pots and pans on Christmas morning! But let’s back up a bit to 2003 when I was twelve years old. My dad passed away in March of that year, and the very last thing he said was “Katie, you’re going to be a great cook some day.” It wasn’t until years later that I realized the significance of this little statement. For me, cooking not only signifies the act of preparing food, but the simple beauty that comes from slowing down, gathering the ingredients, and sharing a meal with people you love. Friends, there is no greater joy than this!


And now on to the business…

Ever since Katie graduated college, we have had a desire to work together in the kitchen. But due to life and money and seemingly everything telling us “no,” we put this dream on the back burner. In November of 2016, God started nudging our hearts again, and this time we couldn’t let it go. 

What if we created a space to bring friends in to and make them feel seen, known, and loved? What if we had the opportunity to instill in others the joy of breaking bread

What if we could teach others how easy it really is to make a meal?
What if we challenged what the world told us was “safe” and took a huge leap of faith instead?
And this is how At The Table got started.


At The Table is a venue and catering business seeking to highlight the power of breaking bread together. We want to reveal the joy of inviting others in to your home and ensuring they leave filled, both spiritually and physically. And all of this happens, at the table!


The story continues as we daily watch God surprise us with new dreams and open doors. We can’t wait to see what He has planned next, and more importantly for you to be a part!